Who would be the audience for your media product?
You should have a drawing of your target audience member and an explanation of what kinds of taste they might have
To find out the typical age and gender which are interested in thriller films and will make a good target audience for our film we did some research on reviews from groups of people on similar films to ours. We found that the best audience for our target audience would be males ages 18 - 29. This is because we can then give the film more of an adult plot to the film meaning we can include features such as violence and/or explicit scenes.
The target audience is likely shop in many different shops. They are likely to be a working man, possibly a business man so will therefore shop in shops such
as House of Fraser, Burton or Topman for clothing like suits. If he was to dress casual he may also shop in these shops, but may also shop in shops such as O'Neill, Zara and All Saints. They would most likely shop here because they are likely to be able to relate to the main character in the film so are likely to dress like him. Due to the style of clothing of the main character in the film it is clear to say that the audience is likely to shop in these shops. As you can see from the image, this is the sort of clothing style our audience would aim for so will therefore shop in these shops.
The target audience taste in music is likely to be Urban, which includes hip-hop, R&B and rap. Being a young adult and liking a thriller film they are most likely to like this genre of music because it could be seen as macho and intimidating. This would be the type of identity someone within our target audience is likely to be aiming for so will therefore listen to this genre of music. This genre could include artists such as A$AP Rocky, Drake and Kid Ink.
As our Thriller is based on that of James Bond it is obvious that our audience would like James Bond films. This also meaning that they would like Action and Adventure Thrillers. These types of Thrillers however are also typically linked to Sci-Fi Films. This meaning that the films our Target Audience Member would like would be;
All of these films are perfect example of what our Target audience would find appealing as they all contain, Action, Adventure and of course are Thrillers. Some even contain the added element of Sci-Fi. Which is quite common in Adventure Thrillers as the idea of it not being in the typical world is an adventure for the audience themselves.
The target audience taste in music is likely to be Urban, which includes hip-hop, R&B and rap. Being a young adult and liking a thriller film they are most likely to like this genre of music because it could be seen as macho and intimidating. This would be the type of identity someone within our target audience is likely to be aiming for so will therefore listen to this genre of music. This genre could include artists such as A$AP Rocky, Drake and Kid Ink.
As our Thriller is based on that of James Bond it is obvious that our audience would like James Bond films. This also meaning that they would like Action and Adventure Thrillers. These types of Thrillers however are also typically linked to Sci-Fi Films. This meaning that the films our Target Audience Member would like would be;
All of these films are perfect example of what our Target audience would find appealing as they all contain, Action, Adventure and of course are Thrillers. Some even contain the added element of Sci-Fi. Which is quite common in Adventure Thrillers as the idea of it not being in the typical world is an adventure for the audience themselves.
However our Thriller is only an Action Thriller and partially an Adventure Thriller meaning that the aspect of Sci-Fi wouldn't be in it, however we have the major aspects in our film that our target audience would be looking for. From looking at this it is easy to see that our target audience wouldn't care whether or not the films they watch would be mainstream or independent films. Our target audience would care more about whether or not they liked the film and if it kept them in suspsense.